娑夊強鏉愭枡鏀堕泦銆佺墿璩囬泦涓拰GRS杓稿叆鏉愭枡鐨勫洖鏀舵(j墨)妲�(g貌u)蹇呴爤鐐轰粬鍊戞彁渚涚殑鏉愭枡鎻愪氦 鑱叉槑銆傚(sh铆)楂斿彲浠ヨ檿鐞嗕竴鍊�(g猫)鎴栧鍊�(g猫)鐨勯€欎簺闅庢銆傝獚(r猫n)璀夌殑GRS闇€瑕佹秹鍙婃潗鏂欑殑鍥炴敹姗�(j墨)妲�(g貌u) 銆�
A1 - Scope A1 -閬╃敤鑼冨湇
A1.1 Global Recycled Standard - 鍏ㄧ悆鍥炴敹妯�(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)
A1.1a The Standard establishes that specific b materials are accounted for and quantified for the purposes of making a percentage-based claim.
A1.1b The Standard applies to products that contain 20% or more recycled content.
A1.1c The Standard can be used with any recycled b material, and can apply to any supply chain.
瑭叉(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)鍙� 浠ヨ垏浠讳綍鍐嶇敓杓稿叆鏉愭枡涓€璧蜂娇鐢紝骞朵笖鍙互鎳�(y墨ng)鐢ㄥ埌浠讳綍鐨勪緵鎳�(y墨ng)閺�銆�
A1.1d The Standard gives guidelines for practices that protect the integrity and
identity of recycled material.
A1.1e The Standard gives guidelines for social and environmental requirements during the production stages of GRS certified products.
姝ゆ(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)绲﹀嚭浜嗗湪GRS 瑾�(r猫n)璀夌殑鐢�(ch菐n)鍝佺敓鐢�(ch菐n)閬�(gu貌)绋嬩腑鐨勭ぞ鏈�(hu矛)璨�(z茅)浠诲拰鐠�(hu谩n)澧冭(gu墨)鑼冪殑瑕佹眰銆�
A1.1f The Standard addresses the chemicals used in the processing of GRS products; it does not address the chemicals present in the b materials or the final products.
A1.2 Application - 鎳�(y墨ng)鐢�
The GRS addresses the flow of products within and between companies, and covers manufacturing, storage, handling, and shipping. The GRS applies to the supply chain, including all owners up to the final seller in the last B2B transb.
A1.3 Effectiveness - 鏈夋晥鎬�
The standard is effective as of August 5, 2014. The GRS v3 replaces all earlier versions of the Global Recycle Standard. Details of the transition and major updates from version 2.1 are found in the TE GRS Version 3 Transition document. Certification to the GRS is valid for one year and subject to annual renewals.
姝ゆ(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)鍦� 2014 骞� 8 鏈� 5 鏃ョ敓鏁�锛孏RS V3 鍙栦唬鏃╂湡鎵€鏈夌殑鍏ㄧ悆鍥炴敹妯�(bi膩o)婧�(zh菙n)鐨勭増鏈€傚緸 2.1 鐗堟湰閬�(gu貌)娓″拰涓昏鏇存柊鐨勮┏绱�(x矛)淇℃伅鍦� GRS V3 涓兘鏈変粙绱�銆侴RS 瑾�(r猫n)璀夌殑鏈夋晥鏈熺偤涓€骞�, 闇€姣忎竴骞寸簩(x霉)璀�銆�