適用范圍 Applications
1.1區(qū)、2區(qū)危險場所或20區(qū)、21區(qū)、22區(qū)危險場所; 2.ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC爆炸性氣體環(huán)境或可燃性粉塵環(huán)境; 3.戶內(nèi)、戶外(IP54、IP65*); 4.溫度組別:T1~T4/T5/T6; 5.應用于石油、化工、航天、軍工等場所。 1.Hazardous: division 1 &2,or 20,21,&22; 2.Explosive gas atmosphers: class ⅡA ⅡB ⅡC or inflammabledust environment; 3.Indoor or outdoor(IP54,IP65*); 4.Temperature class:T1~T4/T5/T6; 5.Widely using in the fields of oil, chemical industry, spaceflight, war ind-ustru and so on.
產(chǎn)品特點 Features
1.殼體采用高強度合金鋁一次性壓鑄成型,表面經(jīng)高速拋 丸清理后高壓靜電噴塑。外殼結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊合理、材質(zhì)密度 高強度好、防爆性能優(yōu)良,表面塑粉附著力強具有良好 的防腐能力,表面光潔,美觀大方; 2.內(nèi)裝高分斷低壓塑殼式斷路器; 3.具有過載、短路保護功能; 4.也可根據(jù)要求加裝漏電保護; 5.加裝漏電保護后,當漏電電流達到或超過規(guī)定值時,能 自動跳閘,切斷線路,確保人身及設備安全; 6.鋼管或電纜布線。
1.Shell made of high strength aluminum alloy casting off thesurface after blast cleaning by high voltage electrostaticspray.Shellcompact structure, high density material strength,Explosion-proof perbance, the surface of plastic powderadhesion ability with good anti-corrosion, the surface smooth,elegant appearance; 2.Built- i n h i g h t d i s j u n c t ion and low voltage plastic circuitbreaker; 3.With overload and short circuit protection functions; 4.It can be added leaking protection; 5.after adding the leakage proection device, the circuit breaker can auto trip and turn off when the power current is on or over the rated value, to ensure safety of personnel and facilitirs; 6.Wiring with steel tube or cable.
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