
上架日期:2018-01-24 16:17:10

    PS21L-MT11LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-MT11LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-MT11LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-MT11LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-MT11LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
    PS21L-MT11LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-MT11LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
    PS21L-MT11LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-MT11LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
    PS21L-MT11LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
    PS21L-MT11LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
    PS21L-MT11N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
    PS21L-MT11P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-MT11P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-MT11P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-MT11P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-MT11PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
    PS21L-MT11PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl pla
    PS21L-MT11PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
    PS21L-MT11PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
    PS21L-MT11PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
    PS21L-MT11R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
    PS21L-MT11RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-MT11RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
    PS21L-MT11RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT11RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT11RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
    PS21L-MT11RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) roller 
    PS21L-MT11RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
    PS21L-MT11RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT11RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT11RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT11RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pl roll
    PS21L-MT11RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-MT11W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-MT11W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-MT11W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-MT11W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT11W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-MT20BE-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller ext
    PS21L-MT20BE-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller ext
    PS21L-MT20BE-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller ext
    PS21L-MT20BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
    PS21L-MT20BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow met roller bent LEVER
    PS21L-MT20BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
    PS21L-MT20BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow ball roller bent LEVER
    PS21L-MT20BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller int
    PS21L-MT20BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller int
    PS21L-MT20BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller int
    PS21L-MT20L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj square (3x
    PS21L-MT20L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj square (3x
    PS21L-MT20L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj square (3x
    PS21L-MT20LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
    PS21L-MT20LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
    PS21L-MT20LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj Ø3 rod LEV
    PS21L-MT20LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow nyl actuator w
    PS21L-MT20LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl actuator w
    PS21L-MT20LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj fiberglass
    PS21L-MT20LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-MT20LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-MT20LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-MT20LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
    PS21L-MT20LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow multidir nyl a
    PS21L-MT20LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow steel PLUNGER 
    PS21L-MT20LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow stainless stee
    PS21L-MT20LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow 
    PS21L-MT20LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow Stainless sb
    PS21L-MT20LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow Stainless sb
    PS21L-MT20N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pull wire for 
    PS21L-MT20P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow met PLUNGER +gasket
    PS21L-MT20PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-MT20R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow met roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
    PS21L-MT20RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow roller LEVER s
    PS21L-MT20RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow pl roller LEVE
    PS21L-MT20W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow Ø50 rubber roller LEVER
    PS21L-MT20W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-MT20W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NO slow adj LEVER with
    PS21L-NO11BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+) 
    PS21L-NO11LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap
    PS21L-NO11W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NO11W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC overlap slow(+)
    PS21L-NS02BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
    PS21L-NS02BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller 
    PS21L-NS02BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
    PS21L-NS02BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) ball roller
    PS21L-NS02BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NS02BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NS02BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NS02L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NS02L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NS02L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NS02LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NS02LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NS02LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NS02LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
    PS21L-NS02LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl actuato
    PS21L-NS02LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NS02LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NS02LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NS02LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NS02LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
    PS21L-NS02LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS02LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) steel PLUNG
    PS21L-NS02LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) stainless s
    PS21L-NS02LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) 
    PS21L-NS02LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
    PS21L-NS02LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) Stainless s
    PS21L-NS02N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pull wire f
    PS21L-NS02P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
    PS21L-NS02PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NS02R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS02RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS02RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
    PS21L-NS02RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) roller LEVE
    PS21L-NS02RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS02RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS02RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS02RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NS02W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NS02W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NS02W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NS02W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS02W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC snap(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NS11BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
    PS21L-NS11BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
    PS21L-NS11BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
    PS21L-NS11BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) ball ro
    PS21L-NS11BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NS11BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NS11BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NS11L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NS11L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NS11L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NS11LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NS11LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NS11LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NS11LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NS11LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NS11LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NS11LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NS11LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
    PS21L-NS11LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) steel P
    PS21L-NS11LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) 
    PS21L-NS11LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
    PS21L-NS11LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Stainle
    PS21L-NS11N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pull wi
    PS21L-NS11P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
    PS21L-NS11P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
    PS21L-NS11P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met pla
    PS21L-NS11P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NS11PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met PLU
    PS21L-NS11PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl pla
    PS21L-NS11PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
    PS21L-NS11PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
    PS21L-NS11PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) met rol
    PS21L-NS11R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
    PS21L-NS11RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
    PS21L-NS11RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS11RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS11RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
    PS21L-NS11RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) roller 
    PS21L-NS11RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
    PS21L-NS11RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS11RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS11RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NS11RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) pl roll
    PS21L-NS11RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+)
    PS21L-NS11W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-NS11W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-NS11W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) Ø50 rub
    PS21L-NS11W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NS11W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC snap(+) adj LEV
    PS21L-NT02BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
    PS21L-NT02BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller 
    PS21L-NT02BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
    PS21L-NT02BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) ball roller
    PS21L-NT02BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NT02BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NT02BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller 
    PS21L-NT02L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NT02L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NT02L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj square 
    PS21L-NT02LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NT02LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NT02LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj Ø3 rod 
    PS21L-NT02LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
    PS21L-NT02LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl actuato
    PS21L-NT02LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj fibergl
    PS21L-NT02LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NT02LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NT02LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj nyl rod LEVER
    PS21L-NT02LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
    PS21L-NT02LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+)
    PS21L-NT02LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) steel PLUNG
    PS21L-NT02LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) stainless s
    PS21L-NT02LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) 
    PS21L-NT02LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
    PS21L-NT02LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) Stainless s
    PS21L-NT02N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pull wire f
    PS21L-NT02P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) met plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) met PLUNGER +gasket
    PS21L-NT02PN-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl plain PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02PR-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02PR-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02PR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) met roller PLUNGER
    PS21L-NT02R1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02R1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02R1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02RH-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02RJ-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02RL-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02RM-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NT02RM-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) met roller LEVER
    PS21L-NT02RO-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
    PS21L-NT02RO-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) roller LEVE
    PS21L-NT02RR-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02RT-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NT02RT-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NT02RT-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) nyl roller LEVER
    PS21L-NT02RV-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02RW-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) pl roller L
    PS21L-NT02W0-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NT02W0-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NT02W0-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) Ø50 rubber 
    PS21L-NT02W1-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02W1-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02W1-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02W2-H00 PS 30mm TM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02W2-M00 PS 30mm MM 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT02W2-T00 PS 30mm TT 2NC slow(+) adj LEVER w
    PS21L-NT11BM-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
    PS21L-NT11BM-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met rol
    PS21L-NT11BO-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
    PS21L-NT11BO-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) ball ro
    PS21L-NT11BR-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NT11BR-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NT11BR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NT11L3-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NT11L3-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NT11L3-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj squ
    PS21L-NT11LA-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NT11LA-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NT11LA-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj Ø3 
    PS21L-NT11LB-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-NT11LB-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-NT11LF-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LF-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LF-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LG-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LG-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LG-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj fib
    PS21L-NT11LN-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NT11LN-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NT11LN-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) adj nyl
    PS21L-NT11LO-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
    PS21L-NT11LP-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-NT11LR-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) steel P
    PS21L-NT11LS-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+)
    PS21L-NT11LW-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) 
    PS21L-NT11LZ-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
    PS21L-NT11LZ-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) Stainle
    PS21L-NT11N6-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) pull wi
    PS21L-NT11P0-H00 PS 30mm TM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-NT11P0-M00 PS 30mm MM 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-NT11P0-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met pla
    PS21L-NT11P1-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) nyl rol
    PS21L-NT11PH-T00 PS 30mm TT 1NO+1NC slow(+) met PLU
  • 免責(zé)聲明:以上所展示的信息由企業(yè)自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實性、準(zhǔn)確性和合法性由發(fā)布企業(yè)負(fù)責(zé),本網(wǎng)對此不承擔(dān)任何保證責(zé)任。我們原則 上建議您選擇本網(wǎng)高級會員或VIP會員。