聯系人:張經理 13933002678
First, bearing parts, hoists of the dove player is used to support the body, bearing parts, before use must ensure that no fracture and debation, to ensure the firmness of the hand chain hoist. The load-bearing parts generally refer to the bs hanging on the hook of our hand hoist, such as I-beam, beam and so on!
村西口的那個大池塘哪去了?那可是他兒時洗澡和摸魚的好地方,到了夏天,只要家里來客,他就會和爸爸一個跟頭鉆進水里,一個小時不到,保證有兩碗活蹦亂跳的鯽魚上岸,有時還會有黃鱔和甲魚。還有,讓他牽腸掛肚的塘藕和菱角呢?那一根根雪白的蓮藕,曾經勾起多少次對家鄉(xiāng)的眷念;那些酥而香的菱角,上市的時候,嘴都吃破了,還舍不得丟??扇缃瘛?br />
We have always said 51 chainhoists after use should be clean and maintenance timely, reduce operating in adverse factors such as the effect of impurities caused by adhesion, abrasion, 51 chainhoists days after storage or use components affected by the damage occurred. We often see some user 51 chainhoists is not standardized, some are finished in the use of not timely cleaning, some is the maintenance way is not correct, may make the hand chain hoist parts subject to serious harm.