德國soudokay SK U 521-G鎳基藥芯焊絲
SK U 521-G nickel alloys
Classifications gas shielded bl cored wire
DIN 8555
MF 23-GF-200-TZ
Nickel-base super-alloy with addition of Cobalt providing the most powerful strengthening
effect at high temperature due to the precipitation of Ni3 (AlTi) phase. Enhanced weldability.
Microstructure: Solid solution with interbllic precipitates Ni3 (AlTi)
Machinability: Good with bllic carbide tipped tools
Oxy-acetylene cutting: Cannot be flame cut
Deposit thickness: Depends upon application and procedure used
Shielding gas: Argon 98 % + Oxygen 2 %
Liner: A Teflon liner is advised
Field of use
Rebuilding of forging hammers.
Typical analysis in %
C Si Cr Ni Mo Co Ti Al Fe
0,01 0,3 18,5 balance 4,5 12,5 3,5 1,0 1,8
Typical mechanical properties
Hardness as welded: 200 HB
Form of delivery and recommended welding beters
Wire diameter (mm) Amperage Voltage Stick-Out Gas-Rate
1,2 150 – 250 27 – 30 20 max. 15 – 20
1,6 200 – 300 27 – 30 20 max. 15 – 20