Standards Specifications (1)
Name mV b card Thermocouple b Resistance thermometer Potentiometer
card sensor b card Input card
Model EM1 ET5 ER5 ES1
RTD (3-wire, Measuring
current: 1mA)
TC JIS C1602:1995, • JIS C1604:1997,
Input signal DC voltage IEC 584:1995, IEC 751:1995 (ITS-90) Potentiometer,
-50 to +150 mV ANSI (ITS-90) Type Pt100 • JIS:1989, DIN 3-wire
K. T, J, E, B, R, S, N (IPTS-68) Pt100
• JIS:1989 JPt100
• JIS:1981 Pt50
10 to 63 mV Total resistance:
Span 10 to100 mV DC (Thermoelectric 10 to 650 _C (*5) 100 to 2000 Ω
Measuring range conversion) Span: 80 to 2000 Ω
Zero elevation Smaller of 3 times Smaller of 3 times Max. 5 times span Within 50 % of total
span and _50 mV span and _25 mV resistance
Measuring range change Can be changed by BRAIN terminal
Input resistance 1 MΩ (10 kΩ 1 MΩ (10 kΩ –
when power off) when power off)
External b resistance 500 Ω max. Max. 150 Ω/wire (*1) Max. 10 Ω/wire
Allowable b voltage -0.5 to 4 V DC – –
Input linearization None Provided Provided None
Output signal 1 to 5 V DC, 2 outputs (output resistance: 1 Ω max., load resistance: 2 kΩ min.)
Burnout Selectable (upscale, downscale) or off (can be changed by BRAIN), scaleout time less than
60 sec.
Signal isolation Between b and output signals, b signal and power b Between output signal and
power b
Mounting b Mounted in special nest (signals and power supply are connected via backboard and connector)
Wiring External wiring: M4 screw terminals for I/O in special nest Wiring to I/O cards: By special cable
using connector
External dimensions 73 (Width)x24 (Height)x115 (Depth) mm (including knob)
Weight 70 g
Accuracy rating (*4) Within _0.1 % Within larger of _0.1 % Within larger of _0.1 % of Within _0.1 %
of span of span and _20 _V of span and 0.2 _C of span
b conversion
Reference junction – Type R, S: _2 _C – –
compensation error Other types: _1 _C (*3)
Isolation resistance Between b and output signals, b signal and power b: at 500 V DC,100 MΩ Between
output signal and power b: at 500 V DC,100 MΩ
Withstanding voltage Between b and output signals, b signal and power b: 1500 V AC for 1 minute
Between output signal and power b: 500 V AC for 1 minute
Power supply voltage 24 V DC _10 %
Max. current consumption (24 V DC) 60 mA 60 mA 60 mA 60 mA
Ambient conditions 0 to 50 _C /5 to 95 % RH (non-condensing)
Effect of ambient temperature change Max. _0.2 % of span for 10 _C change
Effect of power supply voltage change Max. _0.1 % of span for change of 24 V DC _10 %
Reference Junction
Accessory – Compensation Sensor – –
*1: Influence of external b resistance: _0.1 _C/10 Ω (3 lines should be in balance)
*2: Span must be at least 50 % of total resistance.
*3: For Type B, there is no reference junction compensation.
*4: Accuracy rating of #2 output: _0.2 % (deviation from #1 output).
*5: For JPt100 JIS:1989, Span is 10 to 500 _C.
*6: Connected it to B and C terminals of signal conditioner.