銆€銆€榛冮妳绠¢噸閲忚純杓�锛屽皫(d菐o)鐔辨€уソ锛屼綆婧挤(qi谩ng)搴﹂珮銆傚父鐢ㄤ簬鍒堕€犳彌鐔辫ō(sh猫)鍌欙紙濡傚喎鍑濆櫒绛夛級銆備篃鐢ㄤ簬鍒舵哀瑷�(sh猫)鍌欎腑瑁濋厤浣庢韩绠¤矾銆傜洿寰戝皬鐨勯妳绠″父鐢ㄤ簬杓搁€佹湁澹撳姏鐨勬恫楂旓紙濡傛饯(r霉n)婊戠郴绲�(t菕ng)銆佹补澹撶郴绲�(t菕ng)绛夛級鍜岀敤浣滃剙琛ㄧ殑娓�(c猫)澹撶绛�銆� 榛冮妳绠� 鍏峰倷鍫�(ji膩n)鍥�銆佽€愯厫铦曠殑鐗规€�銆�
Tianjin xinmaoyuan Non-ferrous Metal Co. , Ltd. perennial sales: brass tubes, brass plates, brass row, brass rods and other products, http://www.zhitongpai.com material specifications complete, welcome to buy. Materials: H62, H62, H63, H65, H68, H70, H80, H85, H90, H96, T1, T2, C1100, C5111, C5101, C5191, C5210, TU1, TP1, TP2, Tag0.08, Tag0.1, C1100, C1020, C1201, C1220, C1271, C2100, C2200, C2300, C2400, C2600, C2680, C2700, C2720, C2800, C2801, C3604W, etc. . The www.rxcopper.cn brass tube is light in weight, good in thermal conductivity and high in low temperature strength. Commonly used in the manufacture of heat exchange equipment (such as condensers, etc.) . It is also used for assembling cryogenic pipe in oxygen-making equipment. Small-diameter copper pipes are often used to transport pressurized liquids (such as lubrication systems, oil pressure systems, etc.) and as pressure gauges. Brass tube, with strong, corrosion-resistant characteristics. The http://www.xzgcsc.com products have good mechanical properties and good machinability. They can withstand cold and hot pressure processing. They are used for cutting and stamping of various structural parts, such as gaskets, bushings, etc. . Tin brass plate has high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, in cold, hot pressure processing under good, can be used for ship corrosion resistance parts and steam, oil and other media contact parts and pipes. The http://www.p5hjg.com companies have achieved good economic and social benefits by focusing on external markets, internal management and quality-oriented development, with the financial strength, advanced management experience, strict quality management system and scientific overall marketing means, and you hand in hand, common development. http://www.zhitongguan.com銆愰毃姗�(j墨)鍦栫墖銆慼ttp://tjxmyjs.com