ɽ|Kꖞṩen10204 3.1|op䓹|SMLSa(chn)ƷԔ(sh)rr߄GB/T9948-2013ʯѻßop䓹Ʒl(f)/(yng)Ϣ,߀Mԃl(f)ԃrϢ
More than five percent of the province's steel revenue. Enter October. However, at present, the effect of production restriction is not significant, and the capacity release of iron and steel production enterprises still has a certain inertia. Therefore, steel production will remain at a certain high level in October. In October, the national daily output of SH / t3405-2017 may be about 3.06 million tons, of which the average ten day output of key large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises may be about 2.15 million tons.