【鎂凱龍合金】代理批發(fā)國產(chǎn)銅材、進口銅材、銅合金、鎢銅板、鎢銅圓棒、鎢銅合金、進口鎢銅、國產(chǎn)鎢 銅、W70鎢銅、W75鎢銅、W80鎢銅、W85鎢銅、W90鎢銅、CuWC75鎢銅板、CuWC75鎢銅棒、CuWC80鎢銅板、 CuWC80鎢銅棒、日本進口鎢銅、進口LC2500鎢銅、美國鎢銅、耐高溫鎢銅、電極火花鎢銅、對焊電極鎢銅、耐高溫鎢銅合金、
鎢銅合金(含鎢30%-85%): |
鎢銅合金綜合了金屬鎢和銅的優(yōu)點,其中鎢熔點高(鎢熔點為3410℃,銅的熔點1080℃),密度大(鎢密度為19.25g/cm,銅的密度為8.92/cm3) ;銅導(dǎo)電導(dǎo)熱性能優(yōu)越,鎢銅合金(成分一般范圍為WCu7~WCu50)微觀組織均勻、耐高溫、強度高、耐電弧燒蝕、密度大;導(dǎo)電、導(dǎo)熱性能適中,廣泛應(yīng)用于軍。。。用耐高溫材料、高壓開關(guān)用電工合金、電加工電極、微電子材料,做為零部件和元器件廣泛應(yīng)用于航天、航空、電子、電力、冶金、機械、體育器材等行業(yè)。
Dongguan magnesium alloy products co., LTD. Khyron was imported tungsten alloy, white steel knife, imported spring steel, aluminum alloy, imported copper alloy, steel, imported stainless steel, bearing steel, carbon steel, cold work die steel imports, import tools, plastic die steel, imported flat iron, easy car iron, imported high speed steel, copper foil, aluminum foil, professional wholesale distribution of imported steel sales, bronze alloy, tungsten copper, chromium zirconium copper, silver and tungsten alloy, hard alloy, 7075 aluminum alloy powder high speed steel, high cobalt high speed steel, cold drawn steel, fast cutting steel, flat iron light (factory direct sale), tungsten steel cutter, tungsten steel precision machining and heat treatment services in an integrated large companies. Japan of distribute of engage by special arrangement "datong", "", "high frequency" Sweden "one win hundred," DE
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