
Actual name:G48-24,New name:G48 blue-green
發(fā)布者:sdjncrdmy  發(fā)布時間:2023-08-11 11:36:56

Harmonization of the coolants and specialty fluids portfolio in the beginning of 2017

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

due to an increasing number of products over decades, the portfolio of BASF-coolants and specialty fluids requires a structural naming harmonization. For you as our customer this will offer more transparency and a clearer understanding our product portfolio.
At the beginning of 2017, the BASF business unit Fuel and Lubricant Solutions will stepwise rename the individual product groups. Most of the existing article numbers are not affected by this renaming, the approvals and certificates of quality remain unchanged.
The following is an example of the change for our product “GLYSANTIN® G48®”
Actual name: Glysantin® G 48-24
New name (from 2017): GLYSANTIN® G48® blue-green
The change mainly relates to the coloration of the product with the numerical code being replaced with written text. These adaptions will be seen on the receipts, invoices, safety data sheets, specifications, quality certificates and if necessary on labels, etc.
The implementation of this naming change and the necessary documentation will take place step by step starting January 2017 and should be completed within a few weeks. The exact dates for the completion of the necessary changes for the individual products are not yet defined.
Please take the new naming into the consideration for future orders. If you have any questions,then please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards
Global Marketing Automotive Fluids
Fuel and Lubricant Solutions

Dr. Stefan Wolff
Vice President Global Marketing and Product Development

Dr. Daniel Wilms

Head of Global Marketing and Product Development

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