第一章 一般操作
Chapter one General operation
一、 概述
This operation manual includes the procedure of inspection before start ,starting and stopping diesel generator .To make sure the user can operate the diesel generator safely,please study this operation manual earnestly before starting machine.
The engine has been tested by the dynamometer before delivery.But you may obtain the longest service life. As long as you operate according to the following conditions in first 100 hours.
1、 盡可能長時間地讓發(fā)動機在3/4油門負荷范圍以下工作。
1 Let engine work below 3/4 of load range of the throttle as long as possible.
2、 避免發(fā)動機長時間怠速運轉或在最大馬力下工作。
2 Avoid idle operation for a long time and working more than 5 minutes under the condition of maximum horsepower.
3、 養(yǎng)成操作時密切注視發(fā)動機儀表的習慣,如果油溫度達到2500F[121℃]或冷卻液溫度超過1900F[88℃]時應關小油門。
3 Pay special attention to the instrument of engine when operating.Turn down throttle either the temperature of oil is up to 2500F[121℃] or the temperature of coolant exceeds 1900F[88℃]
4、 在這樣的功率需求下使用發(fā)動機;即當情況需要更大功率時,可以加速到調速器控制的轉速。
4 Accelerate to the speed that governor controls if you require more power.
5、 在磨合期間內,每10個小時檢查一次機油面。
5 In the run-in period, check the level of machine oil once every ten hours.
二、 新機或大修過的發(fā)動機起動前檢查
二 Inspection of new or overhauled engine before start
Do not start generator unless you have finished inspection procedure.Please refer to the following suggestion of maintenance.
1) 加注燃油系統(tǒng):
1) Fuel replenishment system:
1、 向燃油濾清器中加注清潔的2號柴油,柴油規(guī)格應符合下列所述標準;
1 Replenish the fuel filter with clean 2 # diesel oil,The diesel oil specification must be up to the following standards;
潤滑油規(guī)定 |
僅用于輕負荷 自然進氣 渦輪增壓 (?!_) 式柴油機 式柴油機 使用天燃氣的各種型號 所有柴油機型號 型號 型號 |
API分類CC/SC2/5級 API分類CC’級別 API分類CC’級 API分類CC’級 硫酸鹽分容量 硫酸鹽分含量 硫酸鹽分含量 硫酸鹽分含量 最大1.85% 最大1.85% 最大1.85% 0.03~0.85% 1 用于渦輪增壓式發(fā)動機的API分類CC和CD級潤滑油和用于停-開工況的API分類CC/SC級潤滑油,均適用于自然吸氣式發(fā)動機。 2 API分類的CC/CS和CC/CD級表示潤滑油應當摻混以達到兩個規(guī)格所要求的質量水平。CC等級所允許的潤滑油質量相當廣,以致有些潤滑油雖滿足這個等級的要求,但對于某些用途的發(fā)動機,不能起到適當?shù)谋Wo的作用(結膠和活塞環(huán)粘結)。例如,渦輪增壓式發(fā)動機需要加CD級所具有附加防護作用。停-開工況下工作的發(fā)動機需要加上SC級所具有的附加防護作用。 3 所有康明斯發(fā)動機所用的潤滑油都規(guī)定有硫酸鹽灰分含量極限,這是因為從過去使用經(jīng)驗中得知高灰分油會在氣門上產生有害的沉積物,這會發(fā)展到氣門拉槽和燒壞。 4 完全沒有灰分和灰分過大都不適用于天燃氣發(fā)動機,所有規(guī)定了灰分含量的范圍。 5 CS或SE可以代替SC。 |
2 Disassemble the suction pipe of fuel pump,lubricate the gear of gear pump with clean lubricating oil.
3 Check and replenish fuel tank.
4 If the position of nozzle、valve or other parts has been adjusted in maintenance, Please check whether adjustments are appropriate before starting the engine.
2) 潤滑部分——檢查引擎潤滑油之油位,盡量保持油在接近高油位(Hi)位置,但不可超過。
2) Lubrication——Check the level of engine lubricating oil frequently.Maintain the height of oil close to oil level(Hi) as far as possible,but do not exceed.
Notice:As for engine with turbocharger, disassemble the machine oil intake pipe from booster,add 2~3 ounces(50~60 milliliters) of clean lubricating oil to lubricate bearing.Then install machine oil pipe again.
1、 向曲軸箱中加注機油至油尺上的低(Lo)標記處。
1 Add machine oil to low (Lo) mark place of dipstick in crankcase.
2、 卸下NH/NT—855型發(fā)動機機油交叉油道上的螺塞。從V型發(fā)動機機油濾清器殼頭部卸下螺塞。對于KT/KTA—1150型發(fā)動機,卸下機油冷卻器殼前部的螺塞。
2 Disassemble the thread plug of machine oil cross pipe from NH/NT-855 engines as well as the thread plug of machine oil filter from V engines. Regarding KT/KTA-1150 engines,disassemble the thread plug from front of shell of machine oil radiator.
3、 將手動或電動注油泵油管從干凈的潤滑油源連接到外殼上的螺塞凸臺處。
3 Connect the oil pipe of manual or electric fuel injection pump with the source of clean lubricating oil.
4、 泵動油泵直至最低機油壓力達30磅/英寸2[207千帕]。
4 Do not stop pumping until the minimum machine oil pressure is up to 30 pounds/inches2 [207KPa].
5、 轉動發(fā)動機至少15秒鐘(轉動時將燃油截流閥關閉,或拆下燃油管以避免起動),在這期間保持外來機油壓力最低為15磅/英寸2[103千帕]。
5 Rotate the engine at least 15 seconds(Close the fuel intercepting valve or dismantle fuel pipe in order to avoid start-up),In the meantime,maintain that the minimum external machine oil pressure is 15 pounds/inches2 [103KPa].
6、 拆下外來機油管并裝回螺塞。
6 Dismantle the external machine oil pipe and install the thread plug again.
(Notice:It is necessary to clean it if machine oil spill when replenishing or adding machine oil)
7、 向曲軸箱中加注機油至機油尺的高(Hi)標記處。對于新的或剛大修出的發(fā)動機,不要改變機油的類型和粘度。
7 Add machine oil to high (Hi) mark place of dipstick in crankcase.Regarding new or overhauled engine,do not change the machine oil type and viscosity.
There is a dipstick in engine's one side,the high(Hi) and low(Lo) mark can show the quantity of machine oil in crankcase.The sump and engine must use the original dipstick.Regarding cummins engine,different sump different volume.
3) 冷卻液部分——檢查引擎冷卻液之液位,液位位置應在散熱器或熱交換器蓋下2英寸位置;檢視冷卻液的滲漏情況并打開冷卻水濾清器的截流閥。
3)Coolant——Check the level of engine coolant frequently.The level of engine coolant must be 2 inches below either radiator or the lid of heat exchanger.Do not check the level when it is in the highest temperature.
Do not openradiator or the lid of heat exchanger in high-temperature,high-pressure closed cooling system.Or it will be very dangerous.
4) 燃油部分——確定油箱中有足夠的燃油,以及燃油系統(tǒng)管路無泄漏,且是暢通的。
4) Fuel oil——Make sure there is enough fuel oil in fuel tank and pipeline of fuel system is safe and unimpeded.
5) 機油壓力——若油壓降低至15磅/英寸2[103千帕]以下,則機組立即跳脫并使警示燈閃爍。在啟動引擎時,此保護裝置延遲15秒鐘,才會降低油壓監(jiān)測電路并入,進行監(jiān)測保護功能。
5) Machine oil pressure——When machine oil pressure is below 15 IB/inch2 [103KPa], The engine will stall automatically and caution light blink.When starting engine,This protective device will not work in first 15 seconds.
6) 低機油壓力預警——機組低機油壓力預警感應器及警示燈提供油壓降低到15磅/英寸2[103千帕]或更低時將發(fā)出警報。
6) Low machine oil pressure warning——Early-warning sensor(Low machine oil pressure) and caution light will warn as long as machine oil pressure decreases to or below 15 IB/inch2 [103KPa].
7) 引擎高水溫——當冷卻液溫度上升超過2000F(93℃)時,則將停機且警示燈閃爍,在啟動引擎時,此保護裝置延遲15秒鐘,才會將冷卻水高溫監(jiān)測電路并入,進行監(jiān)測保護功能。
7) High-temperature engine—When coolant is above 2000F(93℃), The engine will stall automatically and caution light blink. When starting engine,This protective device will not work in first 15 seconds.
8) 引擎高水溫預警——引擎沒水溫預警感應器及警示燈提供冷卻液溫上升至2000F(93℃)或更高時將發(fā)出警報。
8) High-temperature engine warning— Early-warning sensor(High-temperature engine) and caution light will warn as long as coolant increase to or above 2000F(93℃).
9) 冷卻水低位停機裝置——當冷卻水水位過低時,一組電子微動開關將使機組停機,并且使引擎高溫警示燈閃爍。選購接線組,選用此接線組將使警告訊號接至高水溫預警燈。
9) low cooling water device—— When cooling water is too little, The engine will stall automatically and caution light(High-temperature engine) blink.
10) 液力調速器部分——許多使用在固定式動力機組上的發(fā)動機裝備有液力調速的燃油泵,它利用潤滑油作為能量介質,潤滑油規(guī)格與使用在發(fā)動機上的相同。調速器儲油池中的機油平面加至機油的滿記號處。
10) Hydraulic governor——Many engines that used on stationary power unit are equipped with fuel pump which have hydraulic governor.Lubricating oil is used as energy medium,whose specification shall be the same as those used on engine.The level of machine oil in oil storage tank of governor should be up to full mark place.
11) 檢查通往空氣壓縮機和空氣設備(如果使用的話)以及通往空氣濾清器和空氣管道的管接頭,所有管接頭都要是緊固的。
11) Check pipe connection that leads to air compressor and air equipment(If it is used),as well as those pipe connection which leads to air cleaner and air pipe.All pipe connections must be fastened.
三、 正常起動
三 Normal starting
Starting on generator control panel——Place the switch of “running –stop-remote control” in the “running” position on direct current control panel.It will stimulate the control system and the starting system,The engine will be started in a few seconds.It will send out the “ Failure of start-up” warning,If the engine can not be started smoothly,
Generator set control panel can choose“Cycle of motion type”starting control,It will make 3 cycle of motions.In each cycle of motions,starting motor rotates 15 seconds ,then stops 15 seconds.
Elimination of “Failure of start-up”warning:Revolve switch to “Stop”position and press “Return”button,spend 2 seconds cooling starting motor,then start again.If the generator still can not be started,please refer to “Trouble shooting”chapter.
四、 寒冷氣候下的起動
四 Starting under under hiemal climate
Galvanothermy plug supplies heat to cylinder until compression temperature ignites fuel.
When temperature is or below 5℉[10℃], air preheater can be adopted to help start engine.Preheating equipment consists of a hand pump that pumps fuel into intake manifold and a switch which connects to galvanothermy plug circuitry. galvanothermy plug is heated by accumulator cell.Fuel and air that has been heated will burn in intake manifold.
Warning:Do not joint use start-up steam and preheating equipment. or it will cause fire.
Steps of using preheating equipment when cold start
1 Adjust throttle to idle position.Turn galvanothermy plug to “No”position,the red indicating lamp should shine.
2 Start engine after the red indicating lamp has shone 20 seconds. As soon as engine starts running,start preheater hand pump to make sure that fuel pressure is between 80 pounds/inches2 [552KPa] and 100 to pounds/inches2[689KPa]. The use of hand pump within 20 seconds will wet galvanothermy plug and prevent heating
3 Stop starting engine if it can not be started in 30 seconds.Start starting it again after 1 or 2 minutes.
4 After starting engine, pump the hand pump slowly to maintain engine idling operation.In the cold climate,engine need to be at idle position 4~5 minutes or longer.Do not accelerate the engine.
5 After engine is hot, stop pumping oil when it does not shake in the process of pumping oil.Close and lock hand pump.Turn off galvanothermy plug switch(the red indicating lamp extinguishes ).
6 If engine could not be started,please check whether the intake manifold is hot,if it is not hot,check electrocircuit,If electrocircuit is all right,dismantle the 1/8 tube stopper which is near galvanothermy plug on intake manifold and shut galvanothermy plug manual switch for 15 seconds,observe galvanothermy plug through the hole of tube stopper. galvanothermy plug should be incandescent,if not,connect electrical wire with 6~12 volts power resource and check current number. The minimum current should be 30~32 amperes.If galvanothermy plug is all right,check manual switch and resistance(if it is used),replace it if necessary.
Notice:Preheater hand pump、switch and resistance are on instrument panel,Please check in the process of starting engine.
Primer fluid auxiliary starter
The prime fluid may burn under the low cylinder temperature,because it is high volatile fuel.A pressure sprayer and a cloth with prime fluid will be able to help start engine efficiently under -100F[-23℃].
If it is below this temperature,spray steam which helps starting engine directly into intake manifold.
The cold-start auxiliary starter is allowed to used on cummins engine,Which is able to help start engine under -250F[-32℃].
Notice:Vapor mixture prime fluid can not used on the engines which try to get close to heat source 、fire or that is equipped with galvanothermy plug.
Manual valve
Manual valve consists of valve assembly,kangzi val and nylon tube.Fuel tank sprayer joint control cable must be ordered separately.
Manual valve can be operated by standard cable and throttle control cable
Electric valve
Electric valve consists of valve chest、900 elbow、 kangzi、 push-button switch and nylon tube.The exhaust manifold is equipped with temperature saving tube,when engine starts running, heat on exhaust manifold will cause it to close electric valve. Fuel tank and sprayer joint must be ordered separately.
The suggestion of installation
Sprayer joint must be installed on engine's intake manifold or intake pipe,so that it can supply equal primer fluid to every cylinder.The two holes on sprayer are separated by 1800 ,therefore,the installation of sprayer should be along the hole of intake manifold.if installation is not correct,atomization will spurt to wall of intake manifold.
The method of using Fleetquard auxiliary starter
1、 將油門調到怠速位置。
1 Throttle should be adjusted to idle position.
2、 分離傳動機構或將變速器撥到空擋位置。
2 A gearbox should be at neutral position.
3 打開手動燃油截流閥或電動燃油截流閥。
3 Open manual fuel intercepting valve or electric fuel intercepting valve.
4 開動起動機,當發(fā)動機轉動時供應定量的起動液直到發(fā)動機平穩(wěn)地怠速運轉為止。
4 Start engine,supply quantitative prime fluid until engine starts running smoothly.
The use of prime fluid without rationing equipment
1、 當一個人起動發(fā)動機時,另一個人向空氣濾清器中噴霧狀起動液。
1 When a person starts engine,another person sprays prime fluid like mist into air filter.
Warning:Do not let prime fluid get close to open fire,do not use it together with pre-heater or other similar equipment.Do not inhale the prime fluid smog.The exceeding use of prime fluid may cause high pressure explosion and engine will run excessively.
2、 起動液煙霧將吸入發(fā)動機的進氣歧管中,這樣冷卻發(fā)動機應毫無困難地起動起來。
2 The prime fluid smog will be inhaled into engine's intake manifold,In this case engine will be started without any difficulty.
Warning:Prime fluid or volatile fuel is unable to be used in underground mine or tunnel.Consult mine bureau inspectors whether it can be used as auxiliary starter if engine is equipped with this equipment.
After engine's start-up,it will take period of time to rebuild oil film between crankshaft and bearing,piston and cylinder liner.There will be optimum gap after engine parts achieve normal operating temperature.Adjust gradually the engine to operating rotational speed according to engine's temperature in case that piston locked in cylinder and the frication between crankshaft and bearing.
For some engines with additional load(like fire pump),the temperature of coolant can not be below 1200F[49℃]。
Engine's rotational speed
All cummins engines are equipped with governor in case the rotational speed is above rated high speed or below rated low speed.
Governor's two functions:First,when throttle is at idle position,supply enough fuel to engine.Second,when engine's rotational speed is above the rated high speed,it will cut off supply of fuel.
發(fā)動機的轉速(轉/分) |
發(fā)動機的型號 最高額定轉速 |
全部NH、NT、855-R、855-L系列 2100 全部NH、NT系列 2300 V-903 2600 VT-903 2400 V-378、V-504、V-555 3000 V-378、V-504、V-555 3300 V-1710、V-1710-L 2100 KT-1150 2100 KTA-1150 2100 KT-2300 2100 KTA-2300 2100 KTA-3067 2100 |
Notice:In many uses,engine's use rotational speed is below rated high speed,see the data plate for details.Engine has been adjusted before it is used.
Machine oil temperature
The normal reading of machine oil thermometer should be between 1800F[82℃] and 2250F[107℃]. Under full condition,do not be worried if machine oil temperature achieves 2400F[116℃]in short time.
Notice:If the sudden increase of machine oil temperature is not caused by increase of load,that indicates there is something wrong with machine,check as soon as possible.
Increase the load gradually until machine oil temperature achieves 1400F[60℃], when machine oil is cold,it will not play a good role of lubrication.Machine oil temperature is lower than 1400F[60℃] continuously and for a long time and engine is at idle position, it will dilute lubricating oil in crankcase and produce acid,thus accelerate engine's attrition.
Cooling water temperature
The cooling water temperature in 165~1950F[74~91℃] is most ideal,between this temperature engine parts will inflate evenly and gain best gap for oil film.Engine coolant temperature must not exceed the maximum.
In winter and summer,engine must be equipped with thermostat in case of idling for long time,take necessary measures to maintain cooling water temperature not low than 1650F[74℃]. In cold weather,radiator shutter can be used if necessary or cover a part of radiator in case of being too cold.
Machine oil pressure
機油壓力磅/英寸2[千帕] |
發(fā)動機系列節(jié) 怠速時 額定轉速時 |
NH、NT、855-R、855-L 5/20[34/138] 40/75[276/517] V-903、VT-903 5/25[34/72] 40/65[276/448] V-378、V-504、V-555 10/30[69/207] 45/85[310/586] V-1710、V-1710-L 15 [130] 50[345] KT-2300 15 [130] 45/70[310/483] KTA-3067 20[138] 45/70[310/483] KTA-2300 20[138] 45/70[310/483] |
Notice:The machine oil pressure of individual engines may be different from normal machine oil pressure,when a new engine is put into use,observe and record machine oil pressure,it can be used as reference of judging engine working condition(do not panic when machine oil pressure is high).In order to make record more accurate and reliable,write down the reading of machine oil pressure when replacing machnie oil every time.
Engine's exhaust
Engine's exhaust is good indication of engine's working condition and performance.Exhaust smokes may be due to low-grade fuel 、dirty air filter、 too much fuel or poor machinery.
If engine exhausts black smoke,rectify it as soon as possible.
五 Protective measure in hiemal climate
1 If engine is used in hiemal climate,recommend permanent coolant with additional rust-preventing agent.
2 For all engines,open drain cock and take down water thread plug to exhaust cooling water in cylinder block and cylinder head.If air compressor heat exchanger and other ancillary equipment cooled by water are used,open drain cock to exhaust cooling water,or it will do great damage to engine.
3 Start engine in hiemal climate,immersive heater of cooling water and machine oil can be used to maintain a certain temperature,thus engine can operate at full capacity.
五 Stop engine
1 Before the shutdown
Engine should be at idle position for 5-10 minutes,so that engine cylinder and bearing will be cooled by lubricating oil and cooling water.
3、 停機方法:
3 Method of shutdown
If engine is started by control panel or remote control,put switch on “stop”position when stopping engine,engine will stop. If engine is started by ATS ,the engine will stop automatically after electric power supply restores.
4、 緊急停機:
4 Emergency shutdown
Choose emergency shutdown,press button then shutdown. When reverting,Put button on “stop”position,press “Revert”button.
5、 換機油:當大修后機組或新發(fā)電機組運轉50小時后,請更新油底殼內潤滑油,請參閱“保養(yǎng)”章節(jié)中之建議程序。
5 Replacing machine oil:When engine is overhauled or new engine runs for 50 hours,replace machine oil, please refer to “maintenance”chapter.
6、 無負載下運轉:盡量減短發(fā)電機在無負載狀況下的運轉,若須在無負載狀況下長時間運轉,最好能將發(fā)電機接上負載器。
6 No-load operation:Shorten engine's no-load operation as far as possible.If it is really required,engine should be equipped with load equipment.
7、 定期暖機運轉:正常定期暖機運轉,可使機件潤滑并避免電路接點氧化,還可確保機組啟動順利。最好每星期一次使發(fā)電機在負載下運轉30分鐘,達到機組正常溫度。
7 Regular warm-up operation:Warm engine regularly,it will lubricate machine parts in case that junctions of electric circuit oxidate.That will be helpful if generator operates under the load for 30 minutes once every week,and it will achieve normal